Fall 2022
A song checklist shows a very general view of which songs were played when during a tour. The vertical columns indicate shows, and the horizontal columns indicate songs. The color of each marked cell indicates a where in the setlist that song was played, and the numbers indicate the number of times that song was played in the tour up to that point.

Color Legend
Set Opener
Set Closer
Set 1 Closer
Set 2 Opener
Second Encore
#41  12  3   4#41
All Along the Watchtower 1         All Along the Watchtower
Ants Marching  1234 567 Ants Marching
Anyone Seen the Bridge  12  3   4Anyone Seen the Bridge
Best of What's Around, The    12 3  4Best of What's Around, The
Can't Stop1 234    5 Can't Stop
Come Tomorrow12   3456  Come Tomorrow
Corn Bread          1Corn Bread
Crush 1  23  45 Crush
Dancing Nancies  1 2 3 4  Dancing Nancies
Do You Remember  12 3    4Do You Remember
Don't Drink the Water1 2 34 5  6Don't Drink the Water
Drive In Drive Out1          Drive In Drive Out
First Call 1         First Call
Fool in the Rain1 2 34 5  6Fool in the Rain
Funny the Way It Is       1   Funny the Way It Is
Grace Is Gone1      2   Grace Is Gone
Granny  1     2  Granny
Gravedigger 1      2 3Gravedigger
Grey Street12 3  4  5 Grey Street
Happy Birthday to You1          Happy Birthday to You
If Only  1    2 3 If Only
Jimi Thing12   3 4  5Jimi Thing
Kill the Preacher 1    2P   Kill the Preacher
Lie in Our Graves      1  2 Lie in Our Graves
Louisiana Bayou12   3 456 Louisiana Bayou
Lover Lay Down1 2        Lover Lay Down
Lying in the Hands of God  12    34 Lying in the Hands of God
Madman's Eyes123456789 10Madman's Eyes
Maker, The 1    2 3  Maker, The
Ocean and the Butterfly, The1    2 3 4 Ocean and the Butterfly, The
Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)   1       Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)
One Sweet World 1   2     One Sweet World
Pantala Naga Pampa1 23  4 5 6Pantala Naga Pampa
Pay for What You Get          1Pay for What You Get
Pig          1Pig
Proudest Monkey    1  2   Proudest Monkey
Rapunzel1 23  4 5 6Rapunzel
Riff, The1   234  5 Riff, The
Rooftop1    23 45 Rooftop
Rye Whiskey   1    2  Rye Whiskey
Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin)1  2       Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin)
Satellite   12  3   Satellite
Say Goodbye          1Say Goodbye
Seek Up 1  2      Seek Up
Shake Me Like a Monkey          1Shake Me Like a Monkey
She 1         She
Singing from the Windows 1   2     Singing from the Windows
Sister      1    Sister
Sledgehammer 1 2  3   4Sledgehammer
So Damn Lucky 1     2 3 So Damn Lucky
So Much to Say  12  3   4So Much to Say
So Right      1 2  So Right
Some Devil         1 Some Devil
Song That Jane Likes, The       1   Song That Jane Likes, The
Squirm         1 Squirm
Stay (Wasting Time)         1 Stay (Wasting Time)
Stay or Leave 1    2    Stay or Leave
Steady As We Go          1Steady As We Go
Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd1          Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd
Sweet  1 23     Sweet
That Girl Is You    1   2  That Girl Is You
Too Much  12  3   4Too Much
Two Step 1  2 3   4Two Step
Virginia in the Rain       1   Virginia in the Rain
Walk Around the Moon 1 2  3 4  Walk Around the Moon
Warehouse1  2  3   4Warehouse
Water into Wine      1 2  Water into Wine
What Would You Say   1     2 What Would You Say
When the World Ends1  234  56 When the World Ends
Where Are You Going        1  Where Are You Going
Why I Am12  345678 Why I Am
You & Me  12 3  4  You & Me
You Might Die Trying  1    2 3 You Might Die Trying
You Never Know         1 You Never Know