Total Song Time
2 hours and 9 minutes and 26 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
76 of 125
Song Spread
Under the Table and Dreaming | | Remember Two Things | | Crash | | Misc Release | | Cover Songs | | Boyd Tinsley - True Reflections | |
Dave Matthews Band
In the only existing tape source, there is a tape cut after The Song That Jane Likes where the crowd is heard coming in the middle of chanting "BOYD! BOYD! BOYD!" after a relatively quiet period post STJL. It is possible that there are missing song(s) at this spot in the setlist.
| Song Title | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 4:30 | 1 | 92 of 118 | 3 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 8:35 | 3 | 82 of 109 | 4 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | instrumental intro; Swim Naked outro | 8:27 | 1 | 79 of 96 | 4 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 5:34 | 1 | 78 of 97 | 4 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | Dance Away outro (lyrics) | 4:27 | 1 | 50 of 69 | 4 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 9:00 | 1 | 65 of 86 | 4 of 6 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | includes prelude | 3:18 | 1 | 56 of 77 | 4 of 6 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 5:05 | 1 | 78 of 106 | 4 of 6 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | Set Break | 7:05 | 2 | 90 of 116 | 2 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | snare intro | 12:54 | 2 | 57 of 79 | 3 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 6:04 | 1 | 8 of 30 | 1 of 2 | Dave Solo | | 8:18 | 1 | 53 of 76 | 2 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | Dave/Carter scat intro | 9:39 | 1 | 61 of 68 | 2 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 5:56 | 2 | 38 of 53 | 2 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 6:19 | 2 | 77 of 94 | 4 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 6:45 | 3 | 43 of 50 | 3 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | | 6:00 | 1 | 9 of 21 | 2 of 3 | Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | time estimated due to cut in recording; Santa Claus is Comin' to Town and Woody Woodpecker Theme interpolations | 11:30 | 3 | 86 of 98 | 4 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan | Pretty Girl/On Broadway/Norwegian Wood outro; time estimated due to cut in recording |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 76 of 125 | 2.372 | 2.616 | 11 of 11 | 0.000 | 1.905 | 6 of 12 | 31.667 | 26.667 | 6 of 10 | 15.833 | 20.000 | 8 of 26 | 40.714 | 48.000 |