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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart

Opening Act

House Music
Bob Marley


Setlist Changes
What Would You Say picked instead of Drive In Drive Out


Total Song Time
2 hours and 11 minutes and 20 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 46 of 46

Song Spread 
Under the Table and Dreaming
Before These Crowded Streets
Busted Stuff
Remember Two Things
Misc Release
Stand Up

Dave Matthews Band
First time Jamal Millner has guested since 8.1.01

Dave hit a rough first note of the first chorus on Joyride, and his voice is not the same the rest of the show. The rest of Joyride and several other songs including So Much to Say and Rapunzel are sung lower than usual.
Song Title   [ ]Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1Too Much 5:32   2  14 of 33   6 of 10   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchextended scat outro
2When the World Ends 3:32   2  15 of 30   4 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
3Crush 12:02   1  13 of 20   6 of 12   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchStefan solo with #41 interpolation
4Joyride 4:05   1  23 of 48   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch (lyrics)
5Dancing Nancies 9:58   16  4 of 8   4 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchdrunk man intro (lyrics)
6Warehouse 9:45   2  15 of 27   3 of 9   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchstop-time intro
7Where Are You Going 3:47   1  12 of 23   3 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
8Hello Again 9:02   1  23 of 47   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show includes prelude
9Ants Marching »7:15   3  11 of 21   3 of 9   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchsnare intro
10Sugar Will 14:38   1  23 of 46   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Jamal MillnerLongest documented version played at the time of this show Butch "Shakedown Street" interpolation (lyrics)
11One Sweet World 6:14   2  14 of 32   3 of 8   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Jamal Millner
12Rhyme & Reason 5:37   2  15 of 24   3 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Jamal MillnerDave gets off to a rough start finding the right notes on his guitar
13Grey Street 5:18   1  12 of 22   3 of 11   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Jamal Millner
14Crazy Easy 5:00   1  23 of 43   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch (lyrics)
 Drive In Drive Out [tease]  0:35   1    Dave, Stefannoodling with opening riff
15What Would You Say 5:59   1  14 of 22   2 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
 Pantala Naga Pampa »0:39   3  13 of 21   5 of 11   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
16Rapunzel 6:49   3  13 of 21   5 of 11   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
17So Much to Say 4:14   2  11 of 21   5 of 9   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
18Everyday 11:19   2  10 of 22   1 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchthe band leaves Boyd alone on stage during his solo; #36 outro
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  46 of 461.6941.562
Guest  1 of 27.0004.899
Opener  4 of 59.6007.667
Closer  5 of 66.8573.833
Encore  8 of 128.0007.667
DMBand.com Road Page Notes
Virginia is for Lovers! It's nice to be close to home again, in the company of family and friends. The evening was as humid as they come, but that didn't slow the band down a bit. They rocked tonight! We witnessed an unexpected moment during Everyday. As Boyd kicked into his solo, the rest of the band exited, leaving the entire stage to that big fiddling man in the spotlight. After a little while, the band snuck back on, gradually building the melody back into the tune. We'll catch y'all in Charlotte tomorrow night.
-- The DMB Crew

Saturday, July 24
12:07 AM EDT
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