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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart
Tweeter Center Chicago     Tinley Park, IL

Sound Check
Stand Up
Hunger for the Great Light
Old Dirt Hill

Opening Act
Jurassic 5

House Music


Total Song Time
1 hour and 55 minutes and 39 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 44 of 51

Song Spread 
Stand Up
Under the Table and Dreaming
Cover Songs
Remember Two Things
Busted Stuff

Dave Matthews Band
Song Title  Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1One Sweet World 5:59   5, TD 1 of 25   5 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
2Grey Street 4:47   11, TD 1 of 16   3 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
3Louisiana Bayou 6:54   1  2 of 48   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show 
4Too Much 5:35   1  2 of 26   10 of 11   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchscat outro
5Dreamgirl 6:06   1  2 of 52   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show 
6Hello Again 6:57   1  2 of 19   2 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
7Time of the Season 4:03   1  2 of 11   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
8You Might Die Trying 8:38   1  2 of 37   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show 
9Lover Lay Down 7:36   10, TD 1 of 13   1 of 1   Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
10American Baby 4:33   1  2 of 35   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
11Smooth Rider »6:11  song debut1 of 25   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show first time played
12Warehouse 10:42   5, TD 1 of 21   5 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butchstop-time intro
13Hunger for the Great Light 3:52   1  2 of 50   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show 
14Crash into Me 6:02   10, TD 1 of 25   9 of 9   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchDixie Chicken interpolation
15Stand Up (For It) 5:00   1  2 of 32   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
16All Along the Watchtower 10:15   1  2 of 18   5 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchStefan solo intro
17Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back) 6:49  song debut1 of 20   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, ButchLongest documented version played at the time of this show first time played
18Tripping Billies 5:40   16, TD 1 of 14   6 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  44 of 511.9961.286
Guest  9 of 91.0001.000
Opener  6 of 75.4002.000
Closer  7 of 74.5002.000
Encore  17 of 194.5002.000
DMBand.com Road Page Notes
The tour is definitely well on it's way and it's going to be a fun
one. We played to a packed house tonight outside of Chicago. In
addition to the new songs that the band is playing, they are mixing
in classics and some of the more rare tunes in their repertoire.
We're sure to hear more of these as the tour progresses. We can't
wait for the next show. See you on Saturday.

-- The DMB Crew

Friday, June 3
12:19 AM CDT
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of dmbalmanac.com may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.