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Atlantis     Paradise Island, BHS



Total Song Time
1 hour and 21 minutes and 11 seconds

Song Spread 
Dave Matthews - Some Devil
Under the Table and Dreaming
Cover Songs
Stand Up
Before These Crowded Streets
Busted Stuff

Dave Matthews & Friends (Caribbean Cruise Getaway)
In February 2006 Dave Matthews & Friends will be performing on a secret island in the Bahamas. Two spectacular eco-friendly ships, the Majesty of the Seas and the Sovereign of the Seas, will sail in tandem to a secret island in the Bahamas, a weekend musical adventure that is destined to be a once-in-a lifetime experience. More details about the performance will follow.
Song Title   [ ]Time  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1Bartender 8:46  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
2Smooth Rider 4:20  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
3Dancing Nancies 7:43  1 of 1   Dave and Timscat intro
4Jimi Thing »5:41  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
 What Will Become of Me »1:43  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
 Pantala Naga Pampa 0:21  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
5Too Much 3:43  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
Set Break
6Dodo 10:23  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Treyincludes prelude
7Save Me 6:13  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
8Stay or Leave 5:21  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Treyincludes Ray prelude
9So Damn Lucky 4:15  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
10Gravedigger 4:07  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
11Up and Away 5:09  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
12Get on the Boat 4:02  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, TreyLongest documented all-time version of this song First time played; listed as "Off the Boat" on dmband.com's setlist (lyrics)
13Trouble 6:40  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
14Oh 2:44  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Ray, Tim, Tony, Trey
 Some Devil [aborted]    Dave SoloDave tries to play this song, but his guitar doesn't work
Set Break
15Two Step  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
16Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
17#41  1 of 1   Dave and Tim
18Warehouse  1 of 1   Dave, Brady, Tim
19Everyday » 1 of 1   Dave, Trey
20Bathtub Gin  1 of 1   Dave, Trey
 Get on the Boat [reprise]    Dave, Trey
21Waste  1 of 1   Dave, Trey
DMBand.com Road Page Notes
What a day! We're in Nassau, Bahamas for the Caribbean Cruise Getaway. Everything started off great for our show on the beach. 4000 very happy looking people arrived on the island by ferry over the coarse of a few hours. Dave & Tim took the stage around 7 PM and played five songs before the rest of the band joined in. The rain started not long after, and turned into a storm that forced us to pause the show. Much of our electronic equipment was waterlogged and damaged. Some of the audience headed back to the ships. About 750 remained and about an hour later, the rain let-up enough for us to get some acoustic guitars and vocals working. Dave and Tim played a few more songs, then Dave and Trey, a few more. The feeling remained that we owed those that left early, a bit more show. After some quick planning, we headed to the boats ourselves to finish what we came here to do. We started on the Sovereign of the Seas, where Toots and the Maytals equipment was set-up. We plugged into their gear and had the show up and running in little time. The band jammed for about an hour, completing their intended set list. We then hopped across the dock and did the same thing on the Majesty, using Bob Weir and Ratdog's equipment. Lucky for us, Bob was close by and sat in on a tune. The shows were excellent. We all had a blast and it looked like the crowd did to. The boats had a schedule to keep and needed to head back to sea. We were escorted off the Majesty and walked the docks back to our vans, to the cheers of the fans from the decks above. All in all, a surreal, yet exhilarating experience that we will not soon forget.

The DMB Crew
Sunday, February 5
5:33 AM EST
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of dmbalmanac.com may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.