   the dave matthews band tour almanac
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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart
Cricket Wireless Pavilion     Phoenix, AZ

Opening Act
The Avett Brothers


Setlist Changes
- Rye Whiskey added
- Funny the Way It Is and The Dreaming Tree swapped

Total Song Time
2 hours and 25 minutes and 52 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 3 of 15

Song Spread 
Before These Crowded Streets
Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King
Under the Table and Dreaming
Cover Songs
Busted Stuff
Dave Matthews - Some Devil

Dave Matthews Band
First full Dave solo opener since 12.7.93.
First time since its full band debut that Cornbread was not played at a venue for a full show. It had skipped a night of multi-night stands, but never a venue entirely.
Song Title   [ ]Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1Rye Whiskey 2:46   3  3 of 4   1 of 2   Dave Solofirst time played as an opener
2Tripping Billies 5:40   6  5 of 6   7 of 8   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timtheme from Lost in Space interpolation
3Spaceman 4:54   1  14 of 16   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
 Pantala Naga Pampa »0:38   1  7 of 8   6 of 7   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
4Rapunzel 6:26   1  7 of 8   6 of 7   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
5Crash into Me 5:45   4  7 of 8   6 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimDixie Chicken interpolation
6Seven 4:17   1  2 of 3   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
7The Dreaming Tree 14:37   7  3 of 4   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimChocolate Rain interpolation
8Funny the Way It Is 5:24   1  14 of 16   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
9So Damn Lucky 8:17   6  7 of 8   2 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
10Everyday 8:59   1  4 of 5   5 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimYou Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd interpolation
11#41 17:38   1  8 of 9   7 of 8   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimSojourn of Arjuna and If You Want Me to Stay interpolations
12Why I Am 3:46   1  14 of 16   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
13Dancing Nancies »10:18   1  8 of 9   4 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
14Warehouse 10:34   4  4 of 5   3 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timstop-time intro
15Crush 12:14   4  5 of 6   5 of 7   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimStefan solo intro
16Grey Street 5:58   1  11 of 12   4 of 4   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
17Don't Drink the Water 8:52   5  5 of 5   6 of 7   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timincludes prelude; This Land Is Your Land interpolation
18All Along the Watchtower »6:02   4  7 of 8   4 of 4   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimStefan solo intro
 Stairway to Heaven [partial]  »1:42   4 of 5   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
 All Along the Watchtower [reprise]  1:05   4    Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  3 of 151.9461.969
Guest  4 of 41.7321.732
Opener  1 of 416.00014.000
Closer  2 of 33.2002.800
Encore  6 of 103.5563.500
DMBand.com Road Page Notes
At least it's a dry heat...?

We have a new favorite song (or, a favorite new song) currently called Seven. It's a tune from the upcoming record, a song that the band debuted last night in Albuquerque then played again tonight. It's complex time signature, Dave's funky falsetto vocals, Fonz's 12 string bass...there are so many layers to this song unfolding before us. Just a couple shows left before we head home for a short break. See y'all in Vegas.

The DMB Crew
Wednesday, May 6
11:44 PM MST
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of dmbalmanac.com may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.