Total Song Time
2 hours and 22 minutes and 38 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
13 of 17
Song Spread
Under the Table and Dreaming | | Come Tomorrow | | Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King | | Before These Crowded Streets | | Cover Songs | | Crash | | Everyday | | Dave Matthews - Some Devil | | Stand Up | |
Dave Matthews Band
There is no proper recording of this show in circulation, so times and notes have been taken from audience video recordings.
| Song Title [ ] | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 4:25 | 1 | 10 of 11 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 9:42 | 4 | 10 of 11 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 5:03 | 1 | 11 of 12 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 4:54 | 1 | 6 of 6 | 2 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 7:36 | 2 | 7 of 8 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 7:25 | 2 | 4 of 4 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 9:05 | 4 | 5 of 6 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording (lyrics) | 4:56 | 5 | 9 of 10 | 1 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 5:28 | 2 | 11 of 12 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 3:03 | 3 | 14 of 15 | 1 of 2 | Dave Solo | | 13:54 | 1 | 10 of 11 | 2 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 2:44 | 1 | 8 of 9 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | | 7:59 | 2 | 11 of 12 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 4:42 | 2 | 9 of 9 | 1 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 11:42 | 3 | 7 of 7 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Bourbons & Lacs and American Baby Intro interpolations; time estimated due to cut in recording | 5:10 | 4 | 9 of 9 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 5:48 | 2 | 7 of 8 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Carter solo intro; time estimated due to cut in recording | 11:52 | 20, TD | 1 of 1 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | no reprise; time estimated due to cut in recording | 0:38 | 2 | 10 of 10 | 1 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | | 5:46 | 2 | 10 of 10 | 1 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | | 1:16 | 20 | | | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | time estimated due to cut in recording | 9:30 | 1 | 13 of 14 | 2 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Carter solo intro; Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) interpolation; includes Tim delay outro; time estimated due to cut in recording |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 13 of 17 | 1.946 | 1.977 | 2 of 2 | 2.000 | 2.000 | 2 of 3 | 6.000 | 5.667 | 2 of 3 | 4.500 | 4.250 | 5 of 7 | 4.500 | 4.250 |